Stills from Cerro Pelon and Macheros

Monarchs from the top of Cerro Pelon

Monarchs puddling at nearby mountain streams

Monarch Caterpillars Tropical Milkweed Macheros

Joel Moreno Rojas and Ellen Sharp JM Butterfly Band B

Horseback riding to Cerro Pelon to see the butterflies

Monarchs and Snakeroot

Sunset from JM Butterfly B and B

Crescent Moon and Sunset from JM Butterfly B and B

Scenes from Macheros

Entrance to Cerro Pelon Monarch Butterfly Reserve

Some of the exquisite wildlife found in the beautiful temperate forest at Cerro Pelon. If the photo is not captioned, click on the image to learn the name of the species.

White Angled Sulphur

Magnificent, or Rivoli’s, Hummingbird

Green Violetear taking a bath at mountain stream

White-eared Hummingbird

Spotted Towhee, with olive back. The olive-backed Spotted Towhee is only found in Mexico.

Gulf Fritillary

Black-headed Siskin

Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer

Magnificent Hummingbird and Pineapple Sage (Salvia elegans)


Iglesia de San Isidro Labrador